504 Plan wish list

My daughter will be starting kindergarten where my son is currently a second grader, and I feel very lucky that our school is eager to work with us to create a 504 Plan for my daughter with food allergies.

504 Plan basics

For a quick run-down of what a 504 Plan is, check out FARE’s article about it as well as an article by Kids With Food Allergies. If your child will be attending a public school in the United States, a 504 Plan is definitely something to look into, though not necessary.

Our experience

I spoke to our nurse in late January about my questions, and she was the one who brought up the idea of the 504 Plan. She said it’s really helpful for everyone because it spells out clearly what’s expected, and everyone in the building will be clear on how we are going to keep her safe. I thought this was such a great way to frame this. From what I’ve read of others’ experiences, people seem to see the 504 as a weapon to wield, which I suppose it can be if the plan is not being followed.

But I think seeing it as a helpful tool for everyone can set the stage for partnership with a school instead of being adversaries from the beginning, making the 504 a threat.

I’m a bit of an anxious person, so when I have meetings like this, I turn my anxiety into preparation and I wrote down a wish-list of accommodations and items I’d love to have in the 504.

Please check me out on Instagram at The Asian Allergy Mom.

The 504 coordinator, coincidentally the mom of my son’s classmate, was really thankful for the list and also said that most of these will work as-is. Some she wanted to reword, one or two she wanted to speak to admin about and will get back to me.

Our 504 Plan wishlist

I list them here as a jumping off point if anyone else is in the same boat.

Level 1 Priority

  • Epinephrine auto-injectors will remain unlocked while school is in session.

  • H will only eat food sent from home, including lunch, snacks, treats.

  • A bin of safe food and treats from home will be stored in the classroom so that when classmates are given unexpected treats, H will have safe alternatives to choose from so she can be included.

  • All adults who will work with H’s class will be informed of H’s allergies and 504 plan, including substitute teachers, parent volunteers, specialists.

  • Students will wash hands with soap and water after food activities.

  • After food activities that include allergens, surfaces will be wiped down with all-purpose cleaner.

  • H' will not be penalized for missing school for allergy-related absences (doctors appointments, recovering from an allergic reaction, avoiding a food-centered activity, etc.)

  • TAs who manage lunch and recess will be informed of H’s allergies and will be trained to recognize signs of an allergic reaction.

  • Bullying regarding H’s allergies will not be tolerated.

Level 2 Priority

  • For classmates’ birthday celebrations, classroom parents will give the classroom teacher a minimum of two days notice; teacher will give Mom notice so that Mom can purchase a safe alternative for H to have.

  • For food or food-packaging-related activities (such as egg cartons, etc.), Mom will be given a minimum of two days notice so safety can be assessed and alternatives can be discussed/prepared. 

  • Mom will be permitted to accompany H on any field trips, including the bus ride.

  • Classmates will be educated about allergies and allergy-safe practices (keeping food to oneself, washing hands after eating)

  • H will be seated at the table with her classmates at the edge closest to where the TAs monitor to both minimize allergens around her as well as have close access to TAs if needed. (Edited to add: They have circular tables! So in the end, we decided to give our daughter a one-seat buffer on either side, with paper X’s on either side of her. Check out this post on Instagram to see how and why we eventually got rid of the X’s.)


  • Epinephrine on field trips?

  • Epinephrine in the classroom?

  • Epinephrine during lockdowns?

  • Can we have a “peanut table” instead of “peanut-free table”?

Next steps

I was told that the 504 couldn’t be finalized in the spring or summer because my daughter wouldn’t be officially enrolled until a few days before the school year begins. So we reconvened the week before school begins and finalizing the 504.

What would you add, reword, omit? Feel free to leave a comment (Uhh nope the comment box is not working, so please drop me a line on this Instagram post where we’re discussing 504s!)

Additional resources

I highly recommend the FAACT podcast episode “Ep. 213: Back-To-School Must-Knows About Accommodations” (Apple Podcasts link | Spotify link) to learn from a legal expert about families’ rights regarding accommodations at school.


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