1-on-1 consult

Dipping your toes into a new cuisine can be intimidating.

There are new ingredients, new flavors, new brands, and sometimes even new grocery stores to get familiar with. It can feel like a lot, and especially for food allergy or celiac parents, it can feel like dancing in a minefield.

This is why I’ve written out some simple recipes with ingredients, allergen information and substitutions included to make your first foray into Asian cooking as simple as it can be.

But if you’d like additional guidance, I want to offer the knowledge I’ve gained as a support for you so you can feel confident to shop for, prep and cook new and safe dishes for your family. This is in the form of a 1-on-1 consult.

I realized I was spending a lot of time on my DMs helping people through recipes, navigating new ingredients and advising them about advocating for their kids with food allergies at school. Although I love supporting fellow allergy families, I admit I started to feel resentment about the time I was spending on these efforts.

Something I’ve been reminding myself is that my time has value. And also that my experience has value. And so yes, I’ve attached a price tag to these consults, and I’m so thankful to many of you who have encouraged me to do so!

A 20-minute video consult may include…

  • A curated list of actual recipes from across the internet

  • Guidance with any new ingredients or flavors

  • Help navigating an Asian grocery store

  • Support with cooking techniques

  • School advocacy support

How much will it cost?

For basic 20-minute consults, the price will be $30. This includes the research I’ll do before our call and notes I’ll prepare for you so you feel confident to cook or advocate for your child after our call is over.

For those who want support with many different topics that a 20-minute chat could not cover, there is also a 30-minute consult option for $39.

Here’s what you can expect:

  1. First you’ll fill out the Google Form where I ask you a bunch of questions to figure out how I can help you.

  2. I’ll review your answers and if I believe I can help you, I’ll send you links to pay for and schedule your consult.

  3. I’ll research and gather all the information I need to make our chat as productive as possible.

  4. I’ll have everything written down in a Google Doc for your easy access after our call.

  5. We will meet on a video (or audio, if you wish) call on Google Meets at our scheduled time.

Still have questions?

Feel free to email me at theasianallergymom@gmail.com, or send me a DM on my Instagram: @theasianallergymom.

I’m looking forward to hearing from you!


Customizable Allergy Card