Homemade microwave popcorn

I’ll be honest. I make popcorn for the kids so I can eat it. I love popcorn and can eat a whole bowl in one sitting. I love this method because it’s not that much clean up - you throw away the paper bag and stick the oily dinner plate in the dishwasher. You control your ingredients, which is always a plus for allergy families.

Homemade microwave popcorn
Makes one big bowl


1/3 cup plain popcorn kernels
2 TBS vegetable oil
Olive oil or melted vegan butter* (see note)
Table salt or extra fine salt (Kosher/coarse salt is too big and will sink to the bottom)


  1. Put popcorn kernels into a paper bag (like for a sack lunch). Drizzle vegetable oil over kernels. Shake bag to coat kernels. Fold the bag three times.

  2. Place bag lying down on a large dinner plate. Place in the microwave oven and set the microwave timer for 5 minutes (but do not cook for entire five minutes)

  3. When pops become about 1 second apart (or they just sound kinda tired), open microwave and remove the plate. (In my microwave, I end up cooking for about 2 minutes and 40 seconds.) Be careful - the plate and bag will be hot.

  4. Dump popcorn into a large mixing bowl. Drizzle as much butter or oil as you like and serve.

Allergens: none


  • The excess water in your vegan butter may make your popcorn a little soggy, so if you want to be extra fancy, reduce the butter on the stove before using: (bring it to a boil and let the excess water boil off.) You can do this in advance and store the reduced vegan butter in the refrigerator.


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